Friday, October 23, 2009

Topic: Neighborhood Watch

Noise? Vandalism? Theft? Click on the Comments link and let your neighbors know about problems in your part of Plattsburgh. Just mention the area where your live - by street, ward, etc. - and help others be aware of trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Plattsburgh has needed a Neighborhood Watch group for a long time. Years ago there was such a group and it was helpful and successful.
    There are many steps that can be taken to improve the quality of life in the city but there appears to be an over-riding lack of pride, concern, and energy for changing the status-quo. The many people who have continually brought the problem issues to the city council are older and tired and have seen no response from the council,and so they have lost faith and hope in any changes being made, so we have what we see!
